Wednesday, June 16, 2010

EDD - estimated due date

Recently I read that the estimated due date is not entirely accurate in determining baby's arrival, but somehow all our hopes, planning and and expectations revolve around this day and when it passes some mom's become really discouraged. In the past I have been vastly disappointed exceeding even 38 weeks gestation and grown impatient with every additional day I remained carrying. At the end of my last pregnancy with Sophia I was really disappointed with myself for having a really rotten disposition through the last couple months.

Today I reached 40 weeks - my EDD and I don't feel anxious or disappointed...yet. I prayed a lot in this pregnancy to have some courage toward the end. I'm also more pregnant than I've ever been not having ever reached the official 40 weeks; I feel sort of accomplished in making it this far. Now it really is up to baby to let me know when she's ready. Somehow I have peace about this that I've never had before. Only took three pregnancies to find contentment...

My greatest concerns now are just to remain patient with courage to face the final birthing marathon which will also be an entirely new experience for me. I know women of every race and culture birth babies all the time and everyone's method of managing the discomfort varies. I pray that I will know what to do when the time comes, when to lay off and relax and when to gear up and be brave.

1 comment:

Sarah Pete said...

Praying for you. We hope everything goes smoothly. Please please please let us know if you need anything at all :) Love you guys!