Tuesday, April 22, 2014

truth bearing

Just got transfixed on this piece of glorious text from a Desiring God blog written by Dan DeWitt:

"In this way, all of reality is the believer’s ally in sharing the gospel. Our universal longing for transcendent meaning actually points to a transcendent source. And only Jesus can satisfy this persistent craving. To paraphrase Pascal, this is a God-sized problem that only God can fix. Only the gospel provides an exclusive foundation for human flourishing. All other ground is sinking sand."

...this challenges the heart and mind to absorb to relate, sympathize, and inspire a spirit of Christ.  Amen to soul searching answers through Christ Jesus! 

Read the greater context of DeWitt's message here: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=94431c7fc1ffa54485d1c84fe&id=001748013d&e=cfe6e84962

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